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Floor Use Fees


Our floor use fees are based on the number of people using the floor. 

  • Private lessons, practice sessions, and recreational dance groups have flat rates  per person.

  • Group classes and activities have a sliding rate per person. The cost per person goes down as the number of people participating goes up.

  • There is also a 60/40 floor fee option for group classes and activities.


We have a media cart available for use that can be used for Zoom, to view videos, etc.


We also have additional amenities that we can provide such as the ​use of the floor before and/or after for set up or clean up, use of the kitchen, use of additional tables, chairs, or rugs.

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Floor reservations cancelled less than 24 hours in advance are responsible to pay applicable floor fees.​​

  • Private Lessons and Personal Practice - full fee

  • Groups $20/hour

Flat Rate Floor Fees

Paid in 1 hour increments


Private Lessons                                              

- Instructor and up to 2 students                                     $11 for 45 min

3 or more students is considered a group class         $14 for  46 min to 1 hour


Personal Practice​                                                                            1 hour

- No instructor                                                                     $10 for 1 person

- 1-2 people                                                                          $14 for 2 people


Group Practice/Recreational Dance                                1 hour

- No instructor                                                                  $5 per person

- 3 or more people


Dedicated Floor: Large or small                                           1 hour

- When requested or required                                          $20 minimum

- Standard rates apply after minimum

- Private Lesson, Practice, and Group Class

Please pay cash
for floor fees less than $20.
Thank you!

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Sliding Floor Fee for Group Classes


At Kaleidoscope we have a sliding floor fee based on the number of participants in each class. The fee slides to ensure that we have sufficient revenue to cover the increased costs from having more people in the studio, e.g. electricity, water, paper products, snacks, and cleaning required.​

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Our minimum fee is $20/hour. This is good for up to 4 participants. It is possible that the floor and the music will need to be shared when paying the minimum fee. Classes with 5 or more participants will have dedicated music if requested ahead of time and available.


As the number of students increases, the cost per person decreases. However, the total fee increases. Fees range from $5 per participant per hour in small classes to $2 per participant per hour in classes with 30 or more participants. The chart above shows the fees.


We require a $20/hr deposit to hold your spot. This is non-refundable and non-transferrable. It will be applied to your floor fee.


Key features of the sliding scale:

  • Pay the floor reservation deposit up front to reserve your spot

  • Pay the balance at the end of each class based on the number of students attending and the number of hours

  • The larger the class, the lower the cost per student


Benefits provided with the sliding floor fee,

Media Cart Fees


Participating in a Virtual Meeting                     1 hour

First participant                                                             $15

Each additional participant                                            $5/person


Leading a Virtual Meeting*                      

Regular group class fees apply. No additional fee.

Each virtual meeting participant is counted as a participant.


* Training is required before using the Media Cart equipment to run a Virtual Meeting.

60/40 Floor Fee for Group Classes


For those that would like to partner more closely with Kaleidoscope, we offer a 60/40 percentage option. The revenue that comes in is split with 60% going to the instructor and 40% going to the studio.


This option requires that we receive a $20/hour minimum per class

and a minimum of $5/hour per person.


Benefits provided with the 60/40 option.​

Floor Fees for Activities


Activities are something that occurs only once or just occasionally. Often they will be longer than an hour. Examples of activities are: workshops, dance parties, photo shoots, rehearsals, performances, etc.


The floor fees for activities are similar to class fees in that they slide based on the number of participants. Contact the studio to get more information on these rates.

Set up, Clean up, and Amenities


When using our studio there might be additional needs such as use of the floor before and/or after use for set up or clean up. It is also possible that there might be a need for some of the extra amenities that we can provide such as use of the kitchen, use of additional tables, chairs, or rugs. These needs will be identified in the Floor Reservation Agreement and included in the floor fee calculation.


Additional fees are:

  • Set up and clean up       $30/hr

  • Amenities                         $30/day

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