Dance Space

Israeli Folk Dance - Beg-Int Recreational
Class Times
Thursday 10:30 - 11:25 am
Class Length
55 minutes
Class Price

Deborah Packard
Israeli Folk Dance
Deborah fell in love with Israeli dancing in 1971 in Los Angeles. In high school there was an International dancing event which included some Israeli dancing; thus the adventure began. She was a passionate regular at Café Danssa for a total of 13 years.
In 1973 she volunteered on a kibbutz (communal farm) in northern Israel but had to return to the USA abruptly due to the outbreak of the Yom Kippur War. In 1979 Deborah was part of a Semester Abroad program in Jerusalem which joyfully included the responsibility of teaching Israeli dancing
Over the years she has acquired a large repertoire of Israeli circle and couple dances, and also International folk dances.
Deborah especially enjoys the pioneer / nostalgic / beginner dances. It is her desire to help dancers raise their level of skill, and interest, from beginner to the more complex dances…… with an emphasis on having fun.
About the course
This is a recreational Israeli Folk Dance group. The dances are beginner to intermediate in complexity.
This dance group is for:
* Newcomers
* Those who danced once upon a time and want to get re-introduced to Israeli dancing
* Those who prefer the simpler Israeli dances (Beginner / Pioneer / Nostalgic)
A sample of the dances:
*HaRishut *Ma Navu *Tzadik Katamar *Darkenu
*Sulam Ya’akov *Lo Ahavti Dai *Hora Medura *Eretz Israel Yafa
*Zemer Atik *Ani Ma'Amin *Israel Sheli *Hora Nirkoda
*Mayim Mayim *Ashrei HaIsh *Kuma Echa *Lech LaMidbar
This dance session is led by Deborah. Instruction may also be provided by other knowledgeable dancers.
Call the studio for more information.